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29/06/2020GIMATIC Iberia, through its collaboration with AUTOMATIONWARE, a company specialized in the manufacture of mechatronic elements used mainly for positioning and/or generating motion, presents a wide range of linear actuators, specially designed to solve a multitude of industrial applications. AW has four product lines:
– Mech Value
– Mech Line
– Mech Line Force
– Mech Line Plus – Extreme
AW’s linear actuators are ideal for replacing hydraulic and pneumatic systems. They feature a high-performance and highly durable ball screw for loads up to 120kN. The Mech Value series, is focused on solving applications where small size actuators are required, with available sizes of 16, 25 and 32.
The entire Mech Line range is compatible with ISO 6431, offering maximum performance in minimum space. It has an interface for direct or relayed step-by-step or brushless monitoring.
The Mech Line Force actuator, an evolution of the Mech Line range, maintains compatibility with ISO 6431, while offering high modularity and flexibility for dynamic applications with high force. Available with in-line or biased monitoring, as well as optional epicyclic gear.
The Mech Line Plus & Extreme, is a series of linear actuators that combine extreme force with high precision. Compatible with ISO 1554.2, they are specially designed for applications where high forces are required, being a real and effective alternative for hydraulic and pneumatic cylinders. In addition to this, an anti-rotation system generates a low noise level while maintaining high productivity.
AW has a flexible manufacturing service depending on the needs of the application (stroke, engine arrangement, gearbox, mountings, etc.).
As in its other product ranges, AW offers a solution for the execution of movement in a simple manner, by means of software applied to its control solutions, in this case the EasyLin software, which allows a quick and simplified configuration of the application.
Fuente: https://www.infoplc.net/noticias/item/108010-gimatic-actuadores-lineales-mech-line-extreme-de-aw